D.A.M. Webdesign

Request for quotation for website development

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What is the goal of your new website?
What type of website would you imagine?
What is your preferred type of design/look for your future site?
Ideally, copy us some URLs of the types of web design you like.
If you need help, we are happy to offer you elegant options.
Do you have a specific idea of what features your website should have?
Ideally you will mention 3 main services that are important to you.
What is your specific goal for setting up a website?
Are you looking for specific types of customers? Do you want to reach as many as possible or do you prefer to choose specific clients?
Ideally mention the websites of your main competitors.
How do you want to promote your website?
How often do you plan to add/update content?
Do you already have web hosting and a domain?
Do you already have your own www? Then please write to us. If not, but you have an idea what your site should be called, please mention it.
Will you supply us with content (images, text, etc.) or should we create it for you?
Do you have a company logo or should we create one for you?
By when would you like to have your new website up and running?
Would you be interested in helping to manage the site after completion?
Will you be interested in regular SEO of your website after completion?
What is your budget for website development?
Please provide us with your contact details so that we can discuss the next steps.
What else should we know?
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